
Do you have a communications strategy but you’re not sure where to start putting it into practice? Perhaps because you lack confidence or perhaps because you have so many ideas. Or you might need a sounding board from outside your organisation to talk things through with?

Regular conversations with me as a mentor can help you work through ideas and challenges in a safe and supportive way. You will leave our conversations feeling energised and more confident about the next steps to take.

I also offer stand alone options, such as Purpose Power Hours. These are focussed specifically on helping you to pin down clear purpose for your communication activities. Only when you know what you’re trying to achieve can you make the best decisions about what that looks like in practice. We can cover other topics in power hours too, depending on your current priorities.

Get in touch to find out more.

What is it?

  • Regular one to one (or one to small group) conversations
  • Advice, confidence-building and questions that prompt you to consider different perspectives
  • A confidential space to explore what matters most to you
  • Follow up record of key discussion points, including links for further reading where appropriate

Who is it for?

  • People who are new to a communications role or who lack confidence in that role
  • Leaders and managers who want to get better at communicating with kindness
  • Individuals and small groups who want an external perspective on their plans and ideas