The importance of links

Earlier today I was in my local supermarket, trying to decide which of the 3 fantastic charities I should give my green token to, when I suddenly remembered a recent conversation with a friend who was looking for an organisation to support her through a difficult emotional time. One of the charities I was reading about offers help in that very area, so I knew I had to put my friend in touch.

There are so many amazing organisations working in communities up and down the country, there is always someone who can help you in your time of need. Sometimes all it takes is a friend to remember you at the right time and link you up with those that can help.

Key components of successful comms
It occurs to me that I do this all the time.

I hear or read about something, remember the time someone else was looking for just that sort of thing and put them in touch. For me, remembering things and making links are key components of successful communication.

As a communicator within an organisation, you need to know who is working on what, where they are headed, what they are trying to achieve and why it matters. You need to help others see the links between their work and help them find the information and people they need, quickly and easily.

I often talk to my clients about demonstrating the links between individuals’ and teams’ work and the overall organisational strategy. If you are clear about the benefits of the strategy to the whole organisation, how do you translate that into more personal benefits and link everyone up?

Links are more important than seats
There is a perennial debate (within internal communication circles, at least) about where in an orgnaisation the internal communication function should sit. Even if you don’t have a fully formed function, someone should have responsibility or oversight of the way that communication is happening internally.

There are arguments for and against being placed with HR, Communications, the CEO’s office and several other possibilities.

But wherever you sit, I think it’s most important that you are able to think strategically about the organisation’s bigger picture and paint that picture to show links through the organisation. This is increasingly the case as employees use social and digital media channels to create and share their own content.

Without links and connections, organisations run the risk of being overwhelmed with communication that does not contribute to their overall strategy and simply serves to confuse their people.

How do you link people, information and communication in your organisation?

Until next time

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