#YouMadeItHappen – my favourites

This week charities have been using the hashtag #YouMadeItHappen to thank their supporters and celebrate the difference they make.

An email from NCVO’s Aidan Warner, sent to members to launch the imitative, said, “When we ask the public what they want to hear from charities, one thing comes through loud and clear. They want to know about the difference their support has made.” And on 19th November, charities set out in their hundreds to show the difference that their work makes every single day.

I know that amazing things are happening throughout the sector when charities and their supporters and volunteers work together. I really enjoyed following #YouMadeItHappen to hear more. These are just some of the tweets that I liked.

The Scouts
I was part of the Third Sector Excellence Awards judging panel which chose the Centenary of Cub Scouts as the Communications Campaign of the Year. One of the reasons we liked it was the importance of volunteers in running the cub groups, so this tweet celebrating their volunteers was good to see.

Emmaus Cambridge
I love the immediacy of the photos that demonstrate the physical expansion which has helped people who have experienced homelessness.

I like the way that they used a series of tweets to cover a whole range of people and activities. It’s visually appealing, each tweet has a simple message and there are some great stats to get their point across.

York Hospital Charity
This smaller charity have used some really appealing photos of cakes to highlight the difference a café has made to some of their patients – it’s something that we can easily relate to.

Epilepsy Action
This tweet makes the specific difference that has been made to their helpline really clear.

This one uses gentle humour to get across their thanks and works well from a brand that uses this approach to cover a serious issue in a way that engages younger women.

ABC to read
Full disclosure – I was a trustee of this charity until my term came to an end this summer. So I couldn’t put together a list like this without including something from them; I know from personal experience just how heartfelt and well-deserved this thanks is.

Dogs Trust
And finally, who doesn’t like cute dog videos?!

I’m looking forward to #YouMadeItHappen 2019 already.

Until next time

If you want to see more examples from the day, why not take a look at Madeleine Sugden’s blog too?

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